Feedback Opportunities
USCIS values the feedback of our stakeholders and actively seeks their input in the development of policies and procedures. Please check this page often for various feedback opportunities.
We use several platforms to engage with applicants and stakeholders. You can provide feedback on a variety of topics through these opportunities:
- Twitter - Follow @USCIS on Twitter to get the latest news and share feedback.
- Surveys and Focus Groups - Barbaricum is a professional research firm that USCIS contracted to conduct satisfaction surveys and focus groups on behalf of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. USCIS applicants may receive an email or phone call from Barbaricum asking them to provide feedback on their service and directing them to a survey. Barbaricum is authorized to conduct these surveys. Your feedback is extremely valuable and we appreciate you taking the time to participate in our surveys and focus groups.
- Engagements – Participate in one of our engagements to share feedback and receive live updates. Visit our Upcoming Local Engagements and Upcoming National Engagements pages for engagement opportunities.
For document comment policies please refer to the following pages:
The Public Engagement Division is always interested in hearing from you. Please email us at to provide feedback on any of our engagements, areas of concern or requests for additional information. Please do not email case-specific questions as this office is unable to provide specific answers or resolve issues.