West African Countries Designated for Temporary Protected Status
The Secretary of Homeland Security has designated Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for a period of 18 months, effective Nov. 21, 2014 through May 21, 2016. Eligible nationals from these countries (and noncitizens having no nationality who last habitually resided in any of these countries) must demonstrate that they satisfy all eligibility criteria, including that they have been “continuously residing” since Nov. 20, 2014 and “continuously physically present” in the United States since Nov. 21, 2014. The 180-day TPS registration period begins Nov. 21, 2014 and runs through May 20, 2015.They may also apply for employment authorization documents and for travel authorization.
Employers should be aware that they may have employees from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone who may choose to apply for TPS. Please refer to the Temporary Protected Status page on I-9 Central for more information on completing Form I-9 or reverifying TPS beneficiaries.